Sunday, August 14, 2011

Matter of Time

Brother, tall, fine, popular.....Lot's of friends and smart.  Nothing was absent in the other, it was about charisma, it was about chosen path. One always looking for more when it was inside the whole time. It was a matter of time.

The quietness of one, the need for excitement in the other.  It was the fear for one, the lack of fear in another.  It was living the role portrayed in the movies for one, while the one chose what upbringing and society had deemed acceptable. He could have, he had the thoughts, but he thought of the consequences.  It was a matter of time.

It was the involution of drugs.  To be part of what was new, to be reigned king in a unknown soon to be released downfall of community, of one's self.    That which lined the pockets deeply lost it's value.  Defiling others nature, demeaning one by the taunts of look what I have, look what I can make you do.  It was a matter of time.

It was not Mack and Third, but there is a Mack and Third in every city.  Citizens driving by as if it is not there, never thinking of how easy it could be them.  Their minds racing "get a job."   Loyal souls devote time, aiding those less fortunate.  Families visit to drop off money, items, and cry as they leave still questioning how and why.

No matter the city, the human element is the same, eyes without a face.  Budget cuts have now evicted those in need of mental care to neighbor with those who are attempting to reach up.  Waiting list long for those seeking treatment for addiction, relapses occur before treatment. Faltering now to defeat. It's a matter of time.

 Residing with those who have lost hope. Their is no reaching, there is only existing..  Just as there is a grasp someone or something is stepping on their fingers. the grip is lost.  Bad things they happen, it's all divine, he saw it as such.  It's a mater of time.

The involution of values is when an otherwise convenient and decent system of values is taken to its inevitable logical conclusion and results in an indecent or inconvenient result.  This is what has happened in our society, the inclination of  addiction, mental illness, killings, poverty and lay offs  have been exemplified and eyes have become blind.. What can we do when the help is now fractured with budget cuts and give ups   It's a matter of time.

People can go from bad to good in the blink of an eye, so can I.  I did, it was a matter of time before I could find my way home, before I got it together.  It's a matter of time.

There is hope, there are dreams, there is achievement.  It's a matter of time before some get it together, where are you  in the equation to say that you helped.  It's a matter of time.

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